Clarity in a time of crisis Webinar Series

Edition 7 Resources: Arrivalist and Hamilton & Waikato TOurism

In the seventh edition of the Clarity in a Time of Crisis webinar series, Matt Clement, Senior Vice President of Marketing with Arrivalist, shared insights on drive markets across the U.S. that are improving and what destinations can learn from these new trends and observed timelines. Jason Dawson, Chief Executive of Hamilton & Waikato Tourism in New Zealand, discussed its Mighty Local campaign as well as the recovery of domestic tourism in New Zealand, a country that is moving close to eliminating the COVID-19 virus and could be an early predictor to understand next steps in reviving travel in other parts of the world.


Webinar Deck

Full Webinar Recording

Daily Travel Index with Arrivalist

Insights from Hamilton & Waikato Tourism

Industry Webinars

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